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A new Left is possible - Interview to Alexis Tsipras President of Greek Left movement Synapsismos

Social equality, freedom, justice to build an essentially democratic and socialistic society

by Emanuele G. - Wednesday 28 October 2009 - 2732 letture

This interview represents the second chapter of a travel thought out the present of the European Left movement. Last year we interviewed Lothar Bisky Chairman of Die Linke (Germany). Today is the turn of Alexis Tsipras President of Synapsismos.

Before to go with the interview I want to spend some introductive words about Synapsismos.

Synapsismos (abbreviation Syn) is a political party of the renovative, democratic and radical left, founded in June 1992. Its name, "Synaspismos", (Coalition of the Left and Progress) has been retained from its previous structure, which was a coalition of left and progressive parties and groups that was formed in 1989. The transformation was decided in 1991 after the CP of Greece (KKE) split from the Coalition. The name of the party was amended on June 1st, 2003 and since then Synapsismos is the "Coalition of the Left of Movements and Ecology".

Synaspismos identifies itself with the ideas and values of democratic socialism, ecology, feminism and anti-militarism. It believes in pluralism and considers the defense of human rights non-negotiable.

The Party’s regular Congress is held every three years, electing a Central Political Committee (CPC). The Congress elects the Party President and the CPC elects its Secretary and Political Secretariat. On major issues the party members decide directly (e.g. the lists for national and European elections are composed through secret ballot among the members). The Party is closely related with the Youth of Synaspismos (Neolaia Synaspismou).

Since 2004 Synapsismos is integrant part of Syriza a coalition of left political parties in Greece. In 2007–2009 its parliamentary leader was Alekos Alavanos, former president of Synaspismos, the largest of the parties that form the coalition.

Q: Who is Alexis Tsipras?

A: I am 35 years old. I was born and raised in Athens, where I still live. I’ve been involved in politics since my adolescence. I was organized in the Left when I was still a high school student. I am a graduate Civil Engineer of the Polytechnic School of Athens from where I also concluded my post-graduate studies in Urban Design and Land Planning. For a few years I worked as a Civil Engineer. Since a few days now I’m working in the Greek Parliament as a deputy. I was elected for the first time in the last National Elections. I am the President of Synapsismos as well as the President of Syriza’s deputies’ team.

Q: Which are the main topics of political agenda of Synapsismos?

A: Synapsismos’ political agenda is formed by Greek society’s needs so that it answers to the current problems that neo-liberalism necessitates. First in our agenda lie the issues that have to do with the economy, employment, social state, public wealth, environment and social rights. Our goal is to build a social shield to protect the citizens by fighting for specific propositions inside the Parliament and in the movements. Our central duty is to contribute systematically in the activation of working classes as well as to compound their requests and claims to a strategy that aims to the building of social equality, freedom, justice, an essentially democratic and socialistic society.

Q: A question about the recent elections in your country. In which ways have you worked out your political program?

A: These past few months Syriza had been trying to resolve problems of its own making in terms of functionality and communication. The internal viewpoints and disagreements were plenty. This had as a result our bad image in the eyes of our voters, despite the fact that we never abandoned the social battles and we were the only political party that formed a program with specific and thorough positions and propositions for the International Financial Crisis. Luckily, we started on time our political campaign for the National Elections with attention, coherence and seriousness. The result of this try was to get a very good electoral percentage. This small but important victory was made possible by our members all over Greece who “took things in their hands” and gave all their heart and soul in the reconstruction of peoples’ hope in the Left.

Q: It seems moderate Left is falling in Europe. What is your statement about that fact?

A: The International Financial Crisis brought in the foreground the Left, its analysis and propositions. The political forces, conservative as well as social democratic that administrated Europe and the world of 20th Century, are not able to give solutions other than the broadening of social inequalities, the precarious work, the shrinkage of the public sphere, the undercut of working and democratic rights. It was only after the collapse of the neoliberal model that they served with such dedication, that they tuned to the working classes. Some of them indeed, discovered even Marx. In this European content, the forces of radical Left will come out empowered. They have the resolutions, the tools and the propositions.

Q: How to build a modern Left able to reply to people’s needs?

A: Left will reply to people’s need when it will move resolutely towards an economy of the social needs and a society of social goods, social rights and independence; when it will propose a new way of production, consumption and distribution of the wealth, in relation to the democratic institutions. A modern Left will mainly reply to people’s needs if it does not leave out of her sight the people of work and the evolving social and environmental movements. Today we are looking for a new role of the public sphere that will transform the public into a space of social goods, public policies, socialization of knowledge.

Q: Which the role of Mediterranean area in the process of building a real united Europe?

A: Greece has the privilege of being a European, Mediterranean and Balkan country. This “particularity” of ours makes us wiser. Mediterranean should set as its priority the defense of peace. The sea that unifies so many different cultures and has millions of years of history and accumulated experience behind it can play the leading part to the building of a new Europe; starting from the radical reform of Common Agricultural Policy that neglected the Mediterranean products, the abolition of the Stability treaty, the fight for a different constitutional treaty, the deliverance from our dependency from Nato, the strengthening of the ecological dimension in all policies of the European Union, the fortification of full time employment and social insurance.

Thank you for interview mr. Tsipras.

For further information:

Official website of Synapsismos

Official website of Syriza (this website is available only in Greek language)

To remind:

Interview to Lothar Bisky Chairman of Die Linke

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