segnali dalle città invisibili
Il Progetto

Who's who: Gironet

Al testo in italiano

GirodiVite, distributed and printed in really. Supplement to alternative Press, manager responsible Marcello Baraghini. Editing: Street Regina Margherita 38 - 96016 Lentinis (SR). Tel. 095 431890, fax 095 945152. E-mail: Site internet:
GirodiVite and Resonances are periodic some ass. cultural Open House. GiroBook is our necklace of istant-book. To receive news and material, to pour Lit. 30.000 to our association (on postal merit, or directly).
GirodiVite and GiroNet are composed by the group of Lentini coordinated by Sergio. They belong to the editing: Giuseppe Sferrazzo, Giuseppe Marziano, Massimo Riera, Pina La Villa, Giuseppe Castiglia (informatic management), Fabio Pulvirenti, Rosaria Marchese, Irene Caruso, Maria Foglia, Enzo Caruso. GirodiVite goes out in the cities of the province in Syracuse and Catania, it has a circulation of around 1000 copies.
Resonances it is our quadrimestrale of music. It's coordinated by Emanuele Gentile. From October 1998 it will be distributed in the whole Sicily in 10 thousand copies.
The group Open House / GirodiVite collaborates to the realization of "eupolis" magazine of the Italian historical cities and to "City of city" magazine of the Sicilian historical cities.
Released: August, 1998

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