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Calvin Klein anche con spam!

Calvin Klein non è solo la protagonista dell'inquinamento urbano di Catania, come segnalato in questi numeri di Girodivite. Pensavate di stare sicuri dalla pubblicità di Calvin Klein nelle vostre case? Neppure per sogno. Ecco che Calvin Klein spunta anche dai nostri computer, via email, attraverso l'indecente sistema dello spamming. L'email che segue è stata ricevuta in questi giorni da un nostro redattore. Abbiamo sostituito l'indirizzo email dello sventurato destinatario dello spam con ####. Almeno noi, la privacy la tuteliamo!

Il testo della spam-email:

Congratulations, ####!
Dear ####,

You've been selected to receive a bottle of Calvin Klein's® cK be - FREE*.

Click here now for the scent that's great for both men and women.

It's the perfect fragrance to wear for any occassion. It's light, and just a little citrusy - you'll love it for this holiday! Click here now and we'll send this refreshing scent right out to you.

With only a few bottles on hand, I know they won't last long. Guarantee your own good fortune - and click here to claim your very own bottle of Calvin Klein's® cK be.


P.S. Please feel free to forward this great offer to a friend!

*All offers are based on 100% customer satisfaction. Yourfreepresent reserves the right to cancel this offer any time once quantities run out. A handling charge of $5.93 will be applied to each item. All merchandise and offers are based on first come first serve. Offer not valid in the state of California and Washington.

You originally joined to win $5,000 and to receive other promotions or you signed up with a party that has contracted with theADmanager. To unsubscribe, Click Here ( or reply to this email with REMOVE in the subject line - you must also include the body of this message to be unsubscribed. is simply an advertiser and any products/services advertised in this email are NOT offers from Any correspondence about the products/services should be directed to the company in the ad. makes no warranties or representations, implied, expressed, or otherwise, of merchantability or fitness for any products/services advertised herein. Copyright © 2001,2002, All Rights Reserved. %EM%####%/EM%


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