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Monday, 05 October 2015 09:36

Written by Giorgio Fiacconi, TCA publisher

Courtesy of The Times of Central Asia

di Emanuele G. - martedì 6 ottobre 2015 - 3151 letture

Presidential party leads in Kyrgyz parliamentary election

BISHKEK (TCA) — According to preliminary results announced by Kyrgyzstan’s Central Election Commission, as of 8.00 AM of October 5, the presidential Social Democratic Party of Kyrgyzstan (SDPK) had won 430,661 votes (27.44 percent) in the country’s October 4 parliamentary elections.

The opposition Respublika Ata-Jurt (Fatherland) party is second with 315,114 votes (20.07 percent).

Other parties’ results are:

Kyrgyzstan - 12.87 percent (202,062 votes);

Onuguu-Progress - 9.3 percent (146,050);

Bir Bol - 8.5 percent (133,379);

Ata Meken - 7.75 percent (121,723);

Butun Kyrgyzstan-Emgek - 6.13 percent (96,280);

Zamandash - 2.73 percent (42,844);

Uluu Kyrgyzstan - 1.5 percent (23,499);

Ar-Namys - 0.79 percent (12,479);

Meken Yntymagy - 0.79 (12,402);

Congress of the Peoples of Kyrgyzstan - 0.6 percent (9,436);

Aalam - 0.4 percent (6,264);

Azattyk - 0.33 percent (5,249).

About 12,273 people voted "against all parties".

Six of the 14 political parties that participated in the election have passed the threshold to enter the 120-member parliament.

According to the Election Commission, more than 1.5 million peole or 60 percent of registered voters cast their ballots in the elections.

Nearly 2.7 million voters were registered to vote after receiving biometric ID cards — for the first time in Central Asia. The innovation aimed to stamp out voter fraud.

The Coalition for Democracy and Civil Society observed the election process in some 500 polling stations throughout the country.

Its leader, Dinara Oshurahunova, told RFE/RL’s Kyrgyz Service that the organization had not received reports about “very serious irregularities.”

There were also media reports about local officials attempting to force teachers, doctors, students, and government workers to vote for the Social Democrats.

All of the main parties in the elections hold pro-Russian positions, mirroring the recent shift by Atambaev and his government toward Moscow and away from the United States.

To read the original story please CLICK HERE

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