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ROMANIA: Collectiv effects (II)

The second part of an editorial by George Popescu dealing with the immense tragedy of Club Collectiv. It was just last year.

di Emanuele G. - venerdì 2 dicembre 2016 - 3104 letture

We comemorate these days the tragic event în which 64 people died and other ca. 150 was injured în a fire, în COLECTIV club at a rock concert în Bucharest on 30th of October 2015. You can find details here:

Now we discuss about consequences.

For all clubs în Bucharest the outcome was terrible, aș all inspectors, inactive until this tragic moment, they started to control and close every club which seems them to be not compliant to the law. They interpreted în a diferrent way the same law, which was the base for which they approved the functionality of these locations. Suddently the locations becomed not appropriate for public usage.

More of this, the main stadium in Romania, National Stadium, was closed, by same inspectors, as they were unsure about the composition of the roof. Another nightmare. That stadium was used for European cups soccer matches, concerts, and so on. For one year, the authorities’ "vigilence’" closed it and we paid money for nothing.

Now the situation is less tensioned, even people died, but the prosecutors are occupied with elections, nobody cares.

Main actors of this drama are în very good positions:

- Victor Ponta – Prime Minister and under prosecution is the candidate of the main party for Deputy chamber

- Nicolae Banicioiu – Ministry of Helth who lied about the capacity is candidate of same party as deputy

- Raed Arafat – Secretary of state who lied about he health system is secretary of state and it seems he will continue

- Ioan Lascar – Director of Emergency Hospital of Bucharest at that time is no more Director, but he is OK, no matters that he spent 9 millions of Euros for 5 beds facility for burned people, which is not funtional even now.


CREDITS: The cover photo is taken from website

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