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Crisi in Crimea: President Putin talks on telephone with German Chancellor Merkel

Moscow, 2rd March 2014

by Emanuele G. - Monday 3 March 2014 - 1705 letture

As per prior agreement, Vladimir Putin spoke by telephone with Federal Chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel.

In response to Ms Merkel’s concern regarding the developments in Crimea and Ukraine as a whole, Vladimir Putin drew the Federal Chancellor’s attention to the unrelenting threat of violence by ultra-nationalist forces, endangering the lives and legitimate interests of Russian citizens and the entire Russian-speaking population. It was stressed that the measures being taken by Russia correspond fully to the extraordinary current situation.

Mr Putin and Ms Merkel agreed to continue consultations both in the bilateral format (through the two nations’ Foreign Ministries) and multilaterally to promote the stabilization of the situation in Ukraine.

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